After spending the fall in Italy, I traveled this winter from Maine to Florida in my aging, rusty car visiting friends and family along the way as well as trips to historic places like Savannah and Charleston. A flight to Texas found me on a wine trail with family sampling some great and not so great wines produced in the hill country there, including sangiovese varietals to rival some I have tasted in Italy.
I had all good intentions to write more in my blog about my other experiences of living in Bologna but my travels left me little time to do so and I found what free time that I had was occupied with such mundane things as paying taxes and car repairs.
As much as I enjoyed seeing people dear to me and recounting my time in Bologna, the differences in living in these 2 cultures were heightened and I longed for the simpler life I had in Bologna. When I first arrived here last September, I spent a good part of my first weeks adjusting to a new culture- how to shop and cook, where to find life’s daily essentials and improving my language skills. But I also enjoyed a different style of life; taking time to savor a meal with friends, strolling the streets while taking in new sights, enjoying food and wine festivals and experiencing the ease of travel to several countries on my self-guided Christmas market tour. Back in the states I spent more time in the car getting places and sitting in endless traffic or waiting at traffic lights every 500 yards or so it seemed. I missed all the walking that I do here in Bologna that keeps me fit and felt the lack of that daily exercise. I never felt restrained by the lack of a car here in Bologna as traveling by train is efficient and provides time to read and reflect. And I always knew that the portions of food served in American restaurants were more than generous, but this sense of gluttony was heightened after my time in Italy. No wonder there are no “doggie bags” in Italy, the portions are meant to satisfy your hunger and not overwhelm your stomach.
My home this time is in a palazzo completed in 1449- that was before Columbus “discovered” America. You are constantly reminded of a sense of history in terms of centuries while in Europe. I have a wonderful view of one of the famous Due Torri or Towers of Bologna from my small balcony on the top floor. I walked into my local cafe for my morning cappuccino and was warmly welcomed back by the friendly staff there. The other night I met a friend for an apertivo at the bar we frequented last fall, to have the bartender also greet me with a big smile and salutation. And just earlier that afternoon I bumped into my professor, Andrea and his wife and we quickly caught up. This afternoon I return for a much needed haircut and was surprised that the stylist remembered my name when I went there last week to make my appointment. I am enjoying this sense of familiarity. I guess three months is really not that long of an absence.
This round 2 of life in Bologna should allow me to spend more time living as a local rather than learning how to exist. I know what markets to go to and where to find items I need for daily living. That doesn’t mean I won’t have my trials and tribulations as I am slightly out of tune in listening to and speaking in Italian and living here is a constant learning experience.
My resolution is to spend more time recanting adventures on my blog and providing tips and advice about travel here in Italy and in general. I will also be developing a separate area on language learning resources as this seems to be a popular topic and one I am always exploring. My challenge is that the expected wifi here did not materialize so I am living with a mobile wifi that only provides 20 GB monthly. So it looks like daily trips to the library will become part of my routine. Thankfully I still have my library card!
Here is another view from my balcony- I love that the satellite dish is the same color as the tiles.
Hi Pat:
Keep those cards and letters coming in!
Hi Pat:
Good to hear from you again. Keep those reports coming in.
HI Pat,
Will I be notified when you post a new blog? Glad that you are happily back in Italy
Hi Terry,
If you sign-up on the home page with your email and hit the subscribe button you should receive updates via email. Thought we set this up in January.
Ciao Patrizia, mi piace molto leggere tua blog. Grazie e buona fortuna a Bologna.
Tanti cari saluti,